Gina's Journey to Managing Menopause and Losing 20 Pounds!

For 5 years now I have struggled with life changing menopause symptoms. It has negatively impacted most everything for me because of weight gain (10 lbs per year), hot flashes, fatigue, depression, a lack of want to even set a goal of any kind and the list goes on. I also got to the point where I didn’t believe I could turn it around anymore and this was my life.

Then I saw a post on Facebook about Rural Rut to Rockin Routine. When I saw it had many things to offer and not just exercise, I tuned in because after all what did I have to lose. And I could do it all in the privacy of my own home. Now let’s not kid ourselves, when I saw the 6am workout my first reaction was yah right! I can’t sleep at night and now you want me up at 6 am. Not happening. But I tuned in to the replays and did what I could. I enjoyed the nutrition talks and thought there might be some hope there. I enjoyed the chats on Facebook as I watched others turn things around and I thought I can do that too. And then I got a text now and then from Brady which was a ray of hope too that maybe just maybe something could be different. At the end I thought it’s not an exercise program that I need as much as a nutrition makeover and a boost in the right direction for getting my weight down. Brady met me where I was at (she’s good at that and so darn bubbly when she is doing it too lol). She gave me exactly what I needed in a nutrition program.

And the rest is history.

I have been doing super well in my weight loss, when I couldn’t even lose a pound before. So the pounds are going, I am eating much better, my mood has significantly picked up (thank God!), and I am exercising regularly at a pace that works well for me and my achy joints (which also feel better by the way). I didn’t think I could do it and then Brady was the catalyst that moved me in the right direction. So grateful I said yes to the Rural Rut!!


From Rural Rut to Rocking Routine: Shannon’s Fitness and Wellness Journey